Sunday 29 January 2012

A Grand Daylesford Out

Today I wore my Star Wars T-Shirt and went with Simon and Atty to Daylesford, which is famous for having springs and spas and such...
See, it's a market.

We first went to the market, which was a market. You know what markets are so I'll skip most of the details, but it did take place near an old railway station that was still (sort of) operational.
It has a tourist train that runs on Sundays, that means it is operational.
There was an odd moment when a woman behind a stall asked 'The question is, 'have you seen Starship Troopers?'' to which I replied 'Yes?', to which she responded, 'It's a great film' to which I agreed, 'I know'.
Although I would say it's a little far fetched, I mean, Denise Richards being an actress? That's absurd!
Cool name.
After walking around in the hot sun, Simon bought stuff and I bought none. Atty got some dirt cheap books and we went off to grab some lunch before heading to the lake to eat it. (I had trout and chips, good stuff)

Of course eating fish and chips by a lake does come with problems, namely,

these three.
And this guy looks like he lost a fight with a red candle.
Nothing a little 'move your foot towards them to keep them at bay' couldn't handle. 

Afterwards Simon wanted to look in a bookshop and I decided to have a gander around the lake.
Gander... see, because of all the geese!

A ginger beer from the region
After a ginger beer from the region we went back to Poverty Peak and I updated my blog and that's about it really. I'll look for a job tomorrow, probably.

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