Monday 23 January 2012

Introducing John (Not His Real Name)

Written 19/01/12

Today I shifted some more logs and did a bit of weeding and collected some sawdust yadda yadda yadda. I also met John, who was picked up at the train station by Simon this evening. He’s Korean (as I previously mentioned, he's from the Korea where everybody isn't starving and pretending to mourn the death of a rubbish leader) and seems like a nice guy. He’s a fair bit older than me, about 20 years older, but that just makes WWOOFing seem like an even greater idea as I would never have met somebody like Not John if I hadn't done this WWOOFing thing.

Tomorrow we will probably be able to get on and build up that fence as it had always been a high priority job, but with Simon at work and me on my own it has been left as a mere pile of materials waiting to be transformed into a useful structure. Fortunately the wood shifting is done, leaving enough clearance to get the insurance guys to get some other guys to repair/replace the fence that the felled tree did such a brilliant job of destroying. So no more pictures of me in overly masculine poses. Sorry girls (and Rob).

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