Tuesday 3 January 2012

Moving On To Melbourne

Today I leave for the state of Victoria via an overnight bus service and last night I had my last night in Sydney.
It was always going to be a quiet affair as so many of those from the hostel have moved on, so where better to go than Shady Pines?
Not creepy at all.
Jim, Christelle and (of course) Matteo were in attendance as we drank, threw peanuts, laughed and eventually said goodbye. It is an odd feeling to realise that if I ever see these people again, it will most likely be in  France/Sardinia.

Matteo and I kept the buzz going by heading over to Scruffy Murphy's, a place I had often walked past but never entered. We laughed at the DJ and we laughed with some Irish guys and we laughed when the 'classic match 09/10' on TV was a West Ham game (that we actually won)
When Zola was manager, final score was something like 6-3. COYI!
The Crazy DJ was playing some pretty good tunes
Then it was time for Matteo and I to part ways, I'll no doubt make an effort to keep in touch, of course, I may even go to Sardinia one day, but it's always a shame to leave good mates behind. It is a side to travelling that few people speak about but if it wasn't for the bonds we make along the way, the whole experience would be a shallow one.

Off to the train station I headed, where I was welcomed by this...

Turns out the bus wasn't exactly regular, as I waited almost 2 hours before I decided to just use the last of my change ($4) to buy a kebab and wait on the platform for the first train of the morning. So for the second time in the last few days I would see the sunrise over Sydney's suburbs as I rested my tired head upon the window, giving me time to remember all the things I've done, people I've met and friends I've made these past months in Australia's largest city.

(click for 'full size')
Great times.
So I'll say 'farewell Sydney and farewell all I've left there!' And now on to Melbourne for the next instalment of my Awesome Australian Adventure! Play me off Cold Chisel...
I know it's a Vietnam song, but he mentions Sydney a few times and it's about leaving so, you know, it kind of fits. Plus it's got that 'road trip' kind of feel to it.

1 comment:

  1. ahh...that is so emotional. Make sure you do keep in touch with those you made friends with.
    Take care


Oh, so you want to make a comment? Well go ahead, punk, make my day...