Friday 27 January 2012

No Income Blues

So there is no foreseeable light illuminating a possible fruit picking job here in Victoria. Shame really, because I could really do with some money before moving on... Hang on? What if I move onto Tasmania, do some WWOOFing and then worry... no, that's dumb, there's even less work in Tasmania than here... OK, I'll stick it out here for one more week, something has to be available by then! Of course I would have already got a job if I had a car, but cars are so expensive over here (like everything else) and if I don't have a job by next week I'll... um... wait another week!

Just to prove I'm not kidding about the dire fruit picking situation, look at this...
Click for bigger
You may have noticed the second and third 'jobs' are actually warnings to people thinking of applying to work on certain farms and the rest of the 'ads' are a mix of people looking for work, a very dubious agency ad (that upon inspection requires me to pay them to find me a job they claim to have already found) and a job that's already full (I asked) plus a permanent job milking cows. I wonder if any of the people advertising themselves got any replies...? Might be worth trying if those liars at the Harvest Guide keep up their 'we'll have plenty of jobs soon, just call back tomorrow' line they've been throwing out for the past three weeks.

I decided to post an ad on Gumtree...

Better than the desperate sounding ads that are usually posted. If this doesn't get any response then I may resort to 'desperate sounding ads' with phrases such as 'I am a hard worker and will work long hours and will not get annoyed if payment is late and promise to do whatever you say, just give me a job please please please please please please please please please please please please please!'

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