Friday 13 January 2012

Last Days In St.Kilda

'Tis my last day in St.Kilda, so here's a song...
Of course once I knew I was going to be moving on to Gordon I felt the urge to spend a bit of time down by the sea side, just relaxing all cool, reading some more Moby Dick (which I have neglected since before Christmas) and doing nothing,
Doing nothing means a lot to me.
Reading Moby Dick as a strong sea breeze floats a briny mist occasionally through one's nasal passage does enhance the experience, which means when I get round to reading 'Lord of the Flies' I'll have to do so after killing a fat kid or something? I don't remember much about that story.

Today I went back into the city to buy sunglasses and eat Subway as a bunch of students waffled on about how they are not as rich as a bank, or something? To be honest, I did speak to/got talked at by a pretty woman / ugly girl (depending on what age she was as it was hard to tell) who told me the 'Occupy thing is a discussion, we don't have the answers but we want to discuss a way to find them' she said this as a man shouted about 'in-equality' and how he's had enough of banks making money, way to open the forum, buddy... I walked off and drank my coca-cola without Citizen Smith shouting buzz words in my ear.
Me and my new sunnies took the tram back to St.Kilda and paid $5 to do some laundry at the hostel. And now you're up to date.
Another thought. I have only ever seen two people pay to use a tram, including myself that makes two. Maybe the occupy thing is working, free trams for all!

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