Monday 6 February 2012

I’ve Got Plums, But I’m Not A Plumber

It's 'Greek Style', that means it's bankrupt.

So I’ve done some fruit picking, lots of plums, not on a farm but here at Poverty Peak. That name is starting to become a distinct reminder of my fiscal situation here and there are still little to no jobs, unless I lie and say I'm an experienced cow milker, which they'd believe if they saw my ex-girlfriend, zing!

So WWOOFing is still enjoyable but the nagging of my inner financial advisor is a constant reminder that I need to get some money soon or I’m going to have to turn to a life of crime, not real crime, more the kind that has a romantic edge like setting up a job agency that has job seekers pay to get the details of an employer that has posted an ad on my website only to find the position has been filled. Oh wait, there’s nothing romantic about taking people’s money and then making them search for the work...
Maybe I should just not bother with fruit picking.
The rest of the past week has seen Atti go to Melbourne to do a two day massage course (or something, she comes back today), me build more fences, pulling out rusted pipes from the dam with a chain and build a temporary house for Simon's new chooks! Actually the only reason I've been putting up fences for so long is because of these chickens so I have to thank them a bit for sorting me out with the job. We'll have to build a proper chook house soon so that's another job after the fencing is finished.
I did say 'temporary'

Meanwhile I'll be looking for fruit picking work and then I'll probably make plans to go somewhere else because fruit picking jobs have too much competition so any job that does become available is taken by people with cars. I would like to go to Tasmania but with my fiscal problem I'm not spending that much on a ferry/flight to get there!

So it's all pretty much the same as last week, but with a slightly smaller bank balance. At least I have one more awesome photo that Rob will probably print off and stick to his wall.
Can't blame him
I have also taken to messing around with a few old photos for no good reason.

And here's a picture of a Lorikeet
 And a lizard (I think it's a Skink?) hiding under a leaf

Will I get a job before my money goes completely? Probably not, but tune in next time to find out!


  1. that picture has now become the center piece of my shrine

  2. Yeah, those lizards are pretty cool.


Oh, so you want to make a comment? Well go ahead, punk, make my day...