Monday 9 January 2012

Art, Music and Minor Concerns

Yesterday was a pretty cool day. I went to meet Friddi at Federation Square for a bit of lunch and then look at some markets and generally just mill about.

That white powder isn't snow...

There was also a pretty good band on Bourke Street, so for our musical interlude, let me That band I just mentioned!
One thing I like about Melbourne is the designated street art areas. You can be walking past the usual shops, like Dick Smith and one of a billion 7Elevens, only to be led into an alleyway by some pretty colours.

This last one is actually in St. Kilda on the wall of an underpass.
The art is so popular that for a fee you can have a tour led by one of the artists, which is kind of cool, but the legal-ness of  it takes away the rebellious aspect somewhat.

Back in the Pint on Punt, voices and spirits were high as an Irishman and his guitar played to a crowd of Irishmen and their drinks. Later, a three piece band with a laptop would play the usual pub band music, something that I have missed since being away from home. I never thought 'Sex On Fire' and 'All The Small Things' would be a something I'd miss hearing.

Of course the highlight of the day was the FA cup game between Manchester City and Manchester United, which was a good laugh although it felt weird to look upon the stands and all the scarves poking out of big heavy coats.

As for my 'minor concern', it turns out fruit pickers are not needed anywhere just yet unless they have a car to get there (and those without cars might not have work for a couple of weeks) so I may need to seek alternate employment or go back to WWOOFing. I have to call a guy at 3 o'clock about a potential farm job and if that doesn't work out then I'll have to keep my fingers crossed and try to get something asap. Or I could look into going to Tasmania sooner rather than later...?

Later: So I tried the last number I had. Nope, no work. Tomorrow I'm going to call up some WWOOFing places and if that doesn't amount to anything then I'll have to find a new hostel as this one is full next week and find a job.

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