Monday 25 July 2011

This could be the last time, maybe the last time I don’t know?

Oh no... Tomorrow I have to work, for (in case you haven’t guessed) maybe the last time. But to tell you about that would mean I would be all ‘non-linear’ and annoying. So Friday I was free to walk around and take pictures of parades against communism and get my TFN (finally) and then came Saturday...
I wasn’t needed for work so I decided to wonder about, like you do. I went to the ‘Centre of Photography’ on Oxford Street (not the gay part, although there was a photo of a man with a full erection dressed as an angel, but I’m sure that was taking with completely heterosexual intentions). I then decided that Paddington Reservoir would be a good place to prove that turgid penises are not what photography is about and took a few snaps. In my pretentiousness I imagined how I would describe my images. 
It 'reflects' the pillars of society that are quite old but re-enforced with modern values

Arches that support nothing are like Greek social workers...

On Renny Lane there is a loser taking photographs, without indigestion.
I went back to the hostel, but not before visiting the NSW Art Gallery where I realised that art can be more than just a pile of bricks or an unmade bed. The sculpture of ‘An Athlete Struggling With A Cobra’ is so ShitBad that words could not describe just how awesome an album cover would be if it was inspired by the Fredric Leighton sculpture.
Pictured: Pure awesomeness

 Art is great sometimes. It can conjure images of childhood, the human psyche and HOLY SHIT WHAT IS THAT?!?!
Great use of colour...

An interesting take on the human form...


So after running as fast as I could away from the grinning freak child and her companion, I found myself back at the hostel. I had dinner and then after a while decided to go to Darling Harbour with two French people (Alex and Lucie (previously misspelt as Lucy)) But first we bumped into Australia’s most deadly tree climbing furry monstrosity, THE POSSUM! Photos below...
It will kill you...

I'm on a bridge!

Another ShitBad sculpture that looks even cooler at night

Yes that is my Gorrilapod in action helping me take some brilliant night shots!

Impressed? Well good. So back to today. I went to the Rocks market after helping Zoe (the German girl, although there is another German girl called Tabia now) carry some stuff into her new apartment (which is in Darling Harbour). I can’t remember if I mentioned the two Frenchies who were in my room when I began my adventure for reals have left for the Gold Coast (as of tomorrow, Lucie will be going that way too), but that is the way of the hostel, people are constantly on differing paths and although we create bonds as our paths cross we must realise that that bond is temporary. So on a less philosophical note, I, Alex, Zoe and Matteo went to the rocks to see the market, which was actually kind of cool, and we also met up with Lucie and wandered around like the coolest European party ever formed!
Pictured: The European Union of Awesome!
Part of The Rocks market
 Good fun, but then the realisation that working tomorrow may be the most awkward feeling ever seeing as I have already accepted that I won’t be there the day after. Weirder still is that my ‘last day’ will be in Newtown, the lesbian area of Sydney. So not only do I have to get 2 people to sign up but those 2 people will most likely be man haters that will no doubt criticise me for have a ‘bite’. I have been researching lesbian culture via South Park, so as long as I know what scissoring is I can ‘relate’ to lesbian culture.
Scissor Me Timbers
So that's a good run down of my weekend. TTFN! Meanwhile heres some slideshow action!

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