Friday 15 July 2011

Photo's of Sydney

After yesterday’s post I decided to take a look upstairs in the library’s gallery. There is currently an exhibition called ‘Sydney Morning Herald Photos 1440’. It’s a collection of award winning photos from the past year (I think), there are some really interesting shots, some inspiring and some harrowing.

After about 30 minutes of walking around looking at a mix of 'impressive' and 'how did that win an award?' images I decided to take out my own 12 mega pixel power house of a compact digital camera and gets some scenic shots of my own.
After a short walk to the waterside I picked a spot nearby a bunch of other photographers with their much bigger, expensive cameras and their bigger and expensive lenses...

Because a big lens makes you a better photographer?

I was not embarrassed by my camera’s size as a quick press of the ‘Menu’ button unleashed a wealth of options for various situations, like ‘Sunset’ and ‘Night’ for longer exposure times and ‘Beach/Snow’ for brightly lit places. Armed with my camera set to ‘Sunset’ I started snapping away...

I like this one, but...

I'd say this is my favourite one.
The sun went down behind the city and the temperature dropped, time to go back to the hostel, which allowed me to take a couple of snaps of less 'touristy' things...

I also realised I should invest in a tripod for those 'long exposure' shots.

Cathedrals are even more Gothic at night.

Hardly an amazing adventure, but what’s the point of walking through a park to take photos if you can’t share them with the world (or the 5 people who read this blog).

I might see if any roommates want to go out tonight, we did suggest it last night but you never know if people are really up for it until they start drinking! This is Ryan The Ginger Lion signing off!
PS. If you ever happen to walk through The Domain at sunset, be prepared for the loudest birds possible. Those Cockatoos are 1000 decibel squawking monstrosities!


  1. Love the pics and loved speaking to you - even though it was 2.45am GMT!! We are 9 hours behind you.
    It seems like you are ok but perhaps missing home just a little bit.....
    Good luck with the job but may speak to you soon I hope if you still have the free credit.

  2. ps - loads of peeps read your blog - just don't put notes on the page.


Oh, so you want to make a comment? Well go ahead, punk, make my day...