Tuesday 12 July 2011

The One Where Ryan Gets 'Interviewed'

I've developed a way to make money in exchange for work, it's called 'A Job' and I managed to get one today!

Yes as of Thursday at 9am I am a member of Public Outreach, more specifically I'll be working for Save The Children and maybe Oxfam, but first Save The Children (Because I believe that children are the future).

The interview process was something I had never had before. Rather than the usual one on one 'so where do you see yourself in 5 years time' rubbish it was a group effort, comprising of nice little ice breakers that led to us pretending to sell something that was in the room (I chose a bottle of water and pitched it as a natural headache cure, because the brain is mostly water so when dehydrated it shrinks and pulls on nerves or something)

Paracetamol is for chumps!

After about an hour of 'interview' we all went our separate ways with the promise that 'if we got the job, we'd be phoned and told about the training session. If you are not called, then better luck next time. You already know the outcome, but I did have a pretty good feeling thanks to my iPod deciding to play AC/DC's 'Back in Business' the moment I pressed 'shuffle songs' as I exited the building. As for those less fortunate in the job market back home, I'll wait for your jealousy to fade before continuing....

Meanwhile here's me and a large white building...
Done? Good.
Before I got 'the call' I wondered around some sights, looked at some street theatre and got lost in bat country,

Flying Foxes are bats, right?
I was quite happy wandering around aimlessly for a few hours. The bridge walk is quite expensive, the Opera House is a pain to photograph up close, Circular Quays is where the 'street theatre' is and the botanical gardens are pretty cool. Good thing the areas around Sydney are well sign posted or else I'd be trying to snare rats in an effort to survive right now.

Flying Foxes are rats, right?
Not much else to report really, so I'll post as few photos from today. (Remember you can click to make the pics bigger)

Not more Freudian jokes!
Fighting a Minotaur naked? Who commissioned that?

See those little things on the top left of the bridge? Those are people.

Until Next time, thanks for watching! CUE MUSIC!


  1. Congratulations on the job dude! Glad to see all is going well

  2. Thanks. I haven't actually started yet but it is something different so it should be 'enlightening'. I forgot to mention part of the ice-breaker part was to talk about yourself for a bit, at which point the interviwer (Alexis) would give you a nick name. Mine was E.T because I was an I.T Technician... You see what he did there? Don't be too hard on him, he is French after all.

  3. Well done!
    I'm sending off for a sim card that you can use and get all incoming calls for free - it's in the Mail so must be true.
    We're all ok here - mad music day on Sunday with it Rockin' Armadillos and looks like it will be busy - could you get back to help out.
    Oh and you seem to have lost your beard (you look great!)
    Mia is being a pain so will say goodbye til later.


Oh, so you want to make a comment? Well go ahead, punk, make my day...