Wednesday 27 July 2011

Ryan the Employable (Evaluation Day pt 3)

So now I have a concern. If all of the jobs available are sales jobs is Sydney worth staying in?
I went to the mysterious ‘other interview’ today to find it was yet another sales team job, walking around selling cheap car check up deals for Goodyear and Bridgestone (commissioned based of course) so I’m sticking with Public Outreach for now, although it is nice to know I can do exactly the same job again if I don’t stay. Did I mention I was accepted for both these other jobs? Even though the first one I was barely interviewed at all and today’s was a similar affair except there was a group of us being non-interviewed (by another Scotsman). Of course they probably have a high turnover of staff due to commission based work being really really shit so interviewing people is probably a waste of time.

'I'm not going to waste my time asking you losers questions.'
So I’m currently looking into travelling northwards and maybe working on a ranch to get some money and see more of Australia. Naturally I will stay at Public Outreach as long as I can to try and get some more money, but having a backup plan is never a bad idea.
Exception that proves the rule
There is probably a sizeable section of readers wondering what happened to Chad Day after Evaluation Day pt 2. Well after base jumping into his Lambo he sped to the marina to catch Bailiff before he rode his (recently acquired) yacht into the sunset and disappeared forever...

Speaking of yachts, The World Boat Show is in Sydney at the moment and I went to the National Maritime Museum today after my non-interview. It was a lovely day and entry was free, but to step aboard the various vessels outside you need to pay, so I just admired the exteriors of the ships and looked around inside. The Scott of the Antarctic thing was pretty cool and there were some great little exhibitions, plus it was free so it’s all good! 

<Insert fat girl joke>

Meanwhile Chad has made it to the marina, but he is too late. Bailiff is heading out to sea! Day thinks quickly and uses his powers of evaluation to come up with a scheme to catch Bailiff. He opts to drive up to the top of a nearby cliff. Day then proceeds to reverse the Lambo and wait... Bailiff is sure Day is dead and decides to retreat to the sleeping quarters of the yacht. Day sees his opportunity and drives at top speed to the edge of the cliff, throwing the Lambo off into the ocean below. At least it would have hit the ocean had Bailiff’s yacht not been in the way! The car cuts through the middle of the boat, Bailiff is trapped, he looks up to see Chad Day standing atop the cliff face. Chad turns away as Bailiff screams ‘I WILL GET YOU DAY, I GUARANTEE IT!’ The car and boat explode in true Michael Bay style, Day doesn’t look back (because he is cool like that) he takes his sunglasses from his top pocket and says ‘Looks like you’ve defaulted on your life’ and walks off with the smoke raising behind him and a kick ass rock song in over the top.
Like this, but with a suit and sunglasses.

So I'll be back Saving the Children tomorrow, but I will have that feeling that I'm there on borrowed time, which is normal...Cue credits!

Update: I will be in Bankstown tomorrow... which could be interesting.

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