Wednesday 27 July 2011

'Evaluation Day' Part 2 of 3

Previously on Ryan’s Awesome Australian Adventure...
Ryan has a job interview with Legacy Marketing
Ryan has to call back another potential job interview
Chad Day has to defeat Dr. Bailiff in his ‘newly acquired’ penthouse...

I have been in a fair few job interviews before, this one was definitely the strangest. I walked into the ‘reception’ which had a plasma screen blaring out JLo’s latest single at quite a high volume. I was greeted by a nice young lady and I said ‘I think I’m in the right place, I’m here for an interview’, I filled out a form that involved a few white lies (8 GCSE’s A-C won’t hurt anybody) and after around 10 minutes of having my head smashed by dance music I met Dave, the guy running the show. I was led into the ‘board room’ which was a table with 8 seats in a cubicle. The soundtrack had changed to a different generic house song but was still distracting. I aced the interview by not saying anything because Dave, who is a Scottish PE teacher that came to Australia 4 years ago and started working in marketing because he had a teaching job waiting in America but needed to wait 1 year before he could start so decided to get a temporary job, wouldn’t shut up for more than 3 seconds. He said he wanted to find out what kind of person I was, so I nodded in a way that made me seem like a good team worker that would be a great asset to his company. 
Luckily he didn't ask about Michael Bolton.
Meanwhile, Chad Day has realised that Dr. Bailiff’s new apartment is the same that his brother, Daniel Day, had repossessed. Chad must end Bailiff’s reign of terror on those who fail to keep up mortgage repayments.

After 5 minutes of telling Dave nothing about myself, I was told I had been shortlisted and should hang around for 20 minutes as the ‘first stage seminar’ was going to take place... Right now you are thinking ‘Well done Ryan, you must have come across really well in the interview.’ Well, to be honest the 2 times I did speak I ummed and ahhed my way through the answer as I had no idea what Dave’s company actually did. Well I’ll let you play a game for a second... 
It won't be as awful as the Saw movies.
You are told you have an interview with a marketing company, you have media related qualifications and interests that you bring up in the interview. You are accepted into the next stage of the interview process. The company must be,
A) An advertising company
B) A company that specialises in advertising
C) A company that advertises products for clients

I may have given the game away with the capital letters, but this particular company was an affiliate of Amcco, which helps increase custom for various companies including Vodaphone, Australian Gas and Electricity and charities. How do they do this? Through face to face marketing... 
'I'm here to face to face market for the Red Cross...'
Meanwhile, Chad has been lured into a trap. Bailiff escapes and explains his plan to ‘repossess the world’ via video message. Chad jumps through the penthouse window just before the flat explodes for no reason. Chad releases his parachute and vows to stop Bailiff before it’s too late. Landing in the driver’s seat of his Lamborghini Spyder he roars off in search of Bailiff...
The difference is this company, Legacy Marketing, gives opportunities for managing your own team and becoming a share holder yadda yadda bullshit. It’s commissioned based fundraising with a misleading name. Waste of time. Tomorrow I'm chatting to Hannah Direct for a sales rep job...
Sales Rep could mean many things, but I think I can guess what it entails this time.
I might just go and do fruit picking elsewhere as Sydney is just a sea of fundraising jobs, something that I'm not too great at. Maybe Hannah Direct will be different, like how violet is different to purple.
They are just sooooo different.

So now Ryan has to meet the mysterious ‘Hannah Direct’, but will Chad Day save the world in time? Tune in next time...

1 comment:

  1. so in order to get out of your fundraising job you went for a interview at another fundraising company ..... I sense a flaw in this plan

    I think fruit picking is the right way to go, at least that way you can taste fruit while you work instead of the bitter disappointment of another person waking past pretending to be on the phone, really busy or just plain rude and telling you to go away


Oh, so you want to make a comment? Well go ahead, punk, make my day...