Thursday 14 July 2011

First Day at Work (sort of)

14th July
Today I had a training session to learn a bit about what my job would entail. Basically I'm asking people for money. There were only two of us being 'trained' today, myself and a girl called Lauren. Alexis, who up until today was the only person I knew related to the company, led the 4 hour session (it would have been quicker but his phone kept ringing and interrupting us). I would also like to point out that I didn't have nearly enough sleep as those $10 pitchers were really moreish (is that how you spell 'moreish'?) and I was with good company, it would have been rude to leave early so I did something I hadn't done for a few years and stayed out until the early hours! (I also danced at some point, but it was to Public Enemy... I think? There are photos somewhere but I haven't got them. I expect to be blackmailed one day with them.)

So my first proper night out was good, I even met a guy from a band called 'Bones Atlas' who was impressed with my musical tastes, but then I think all Australians like Airbourne and AC/DC.

So now I'm sponging off of the free internet at the State Library, which is nice. I start work on Monday and... Well that's about it. Stay classy Planet Earth!

PS. I just Googled 'Bones Atlas' and found a few videos. Remember, you saw them here first!


  1. that bands pretty good, I like.

    also $10 pitchers! Thats what about £6, or the price of a pint in Jaks or Chicagos!

    Glad to see that being ginger is not as much of a hindrance to making friends as the stereotypes say!

  2. Liking the band and good to see you are meeting people and getting out and about.
    Good luck with the job - but can't see you getting too much money out of people...then again you did alright with us.
    Take care and apparently steer clear of the Kings Cross area (so Sam our resident Aussie said).

  3. I will be seeing the band next Sunday in Cronulla, which should be cool. As for stereotypes, I drink the most tea out of my room mates and the fish and chips over here is just not right, they don't even batter the fish!


Oh, so you want to make a comment? Well go ahead, punk, make my day...