Wednesday 22 February 2012

New Bike, Same Worries

A minor apology is in order for Big W after my rant in my previous blog post. Yesterday I got my bike replaced for a slightly better one with no hassle or stupid questions, so thanks to the guy at customer service who sorted that out. Repco are still bastards though for trying to break my elbow and China still have low quality metals and slave labour and crap food. Now I have a new bike and in the words of Mr. Tyler, 'I'm BAAACK,
In the saddle again. I'm BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACK!

So I rode out this morning in high spirits but with a few concerns swimming in my mind.
One, the box looks exactly the same as the other bike's box.
Two, the pedals look remarkably similar to the other bike's pedals
and Three, it's a 'mountain bike' with this sticker attached to the frame...
So I guess the 'mountain' part refers to those mountains made of tarmac?
I got to work and no major issues occurred, one of the rear brake pads shook itself loose but that isn't a major thing. At lunch I double checked everything by sticking an allen key/spanner to every bolt/nut and tightening it by whacking a great adjustable spanner against them all. If anything decides to come loose and injure me again that spanner and the bike will be going through Big W's window!

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