Sunday 12 February 2012

Still WWOOFing

Wow, I’m really slacking on the blog post frequency. Never mind, there isn’t much to report any way. The ponies are still next door and the beers still have slightly odd names,
One for me...
...One for my bronies.
And today the chickens were released into one of the areas that have been taking shape over the past few weeks as I and other WWOOFers have banged in fence posts, cut wires, attached fencing and eaten plums so the chooks have somewhere to roam without too much risk of being nabbed by an eagle or fox.

NOTE: I apologise in advance for the picture below. If your boss is looking over your shoulder right now click this link to make it look like you’re doing some work! (Quick, before he asks ‘what are you doing looking at a blurry picture of a big black cock’!) 
NOTE: I will not apologise for the rubbish picture quality.
BE FREE! (To walk around the designated fenced area)
And that’s about it for ‘news’. I have been experimenting with some cooking and have a handy recipe if ever you have the right ingredients and nothing else and you must use all said ingredients in one go to save the lives of a litter of puppies...
Like Ready Steady Cook only with genuine peril, not that false peril Harriet brings to the table.  

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