Monday 27 February 2012

I Feel Like It’s Raining All Over The World

Yes, it was a rainy night in Gordon last night. After the last few days lingering above 35 degrees of pure heat, the resulting rainy spell was a full on thunder storm, as it always seems to be in this country.

It started a few miles away as the flashes were far beyond the hills. But it wasn’t long before the flashes and claps synced up as the storm drifted upon us and the heavens’ opening lashed the roof and continually managed to keep me awake by interrupting itself with a few thousand decibels of power belting out from a few thousand miles above my head.

While I’m glad the rain will have quenched the bush fire risk somewhat, I’m far from glad that it chose to sweep across with such audible violence on a night when I had to leave for work before half six in the morning.

I made it into work on time despite the cloud and drizzle and after thirty minutes in the shed the rain fell again. But at least the storm broke the humidity... until about 12 O’clock when humidity began to creep up again, which is great when you have to ride a bike home.
Artist's impression.
And as soon as I got back to ye olde Poverty Peak, that delicate sound of thunder grumbled nearby and the rain started again.

Of course the news has made a big deal about the weather, ‘some areas got a month’s worth of rain over night, yadda yadda blah blah’, hardly news worthy, I mean, why report on a family of four’s house getting struck by lightning and burning the whole top floor (no one was hurt). But it does all mean the end of the world is nigh! Oh no, it's raining and a few streets are flooded? wasn't there a 9 year drought recently? Best stop whining and start storing all this water!

Oh, and Kevin Rudd (the former PM over here) has been trying to get back to top spot for a while after being booted off by Gillard (the current PM) who looks like a young caricature of Thatcher. 
This shit has been going on since before 2011? 
They had a ballot amongst the party and Gillard is still PM, so even that’s not news worthy as nothing has changed and I’m sorry I bothered telling you. Also an Australian won an Oscar for best editor.
Actually, now I’m on the subject of Aussie TV, there has been an advert that I thought might be of interest to those back in Blighty...
Yep, it’s a great year to be in Great Britain, or at least it would be if I wasn’t 10,000 miles away! And when the name Dev Patel popped up I thought they meant Dev from Corination Street, which would have been better than having 'one of the kids from when Skins was good'.

Hold on....

Just firing up the old Photoshop...

Saving... Uploading... and....
Hi, I'm Ryan, the marketing genius!
I also realised that the picture of ‘your mum’ posted on the previous post may have been a bit offensive to some viewers.

So here’s a picture of your sister.


  1. Replies
    1. Obviously someone doesn't have a sense of humour - or do you know this person - anonymous -
      How's your injuries and I see your ranting blog has dissapeared - did you have to remove it.
      How long do you think you will be staying where you are and what is your next move.....
      Hope all is well with you - it seems to be.

    2. It's either Seb Coe, Dev Patel or Deirdre Barlow. I can't be certain which one though as they all use caps lock too much, although the choice of word suggests it might not be Seb Coe as he can't write anything with more than three letters.


Oh, so you want to make a comment? Well go ahead, punk, make my day...