Thursday 11 August 2011

The Three Amigos go to SideBar

The title says only part of the story, but more on SideBar later. I had spent the lunchtime of yesterday with my Auntie and Uncle (I had the Thai chicken pie) talking about farm work and other things and I also received my MediCare card, which is something no German or Frenchie has ever been able to say. So now I’m covered for meds and stuff for (almost) free, sort of.
So after lunch I photocopied my RSA certificate for Friday’s ‘trial’ at Bank and trotted around Sydney looking at expensive trinkets I could never afford before returning to the hostel.
Later on Matteo, Alex and myself grabbed a free train to Central Station and wandered off to SideBar, the only reason we went there was on the promise of live music, a promise that was delivered in the form of a 4 piece covers band that were actually quite good! Feel free to think to yourself that they sound ‘quite good’ as you watch this clip...
 I was hoping to see Wiebke again but, alas, she couldn’t make it, which was a shame as she probably would have got along well with the two German girls we spent the night talking to. 
I don’t want to say I’m the master at getting girls to hang around with the 3 amigos, but I did break the ice in a way that even Barney from How I Met Your Mother would be impressed. 
'I'm listening...'
I used my wickedly creative brain to devise that the two girls were here for the live band, however the band had since finished and it was now ‘generic DJ that plays the same songs as EVERY OTHER GENERIC DJ IN SYDNEY!’ Seriously, if I hear that Usher guy whining about giving him everything again I will unleash all of my rage on whoever decided to play such an awful song, the same goes for that song about wet babies (which is more disturbing than any other song ever made)!
Where was I? Oh yes, with my willingness to dance sapped from my body by the awful music I noticed a lonely looking girl who was waiting for some loser to stop talking to her friend so she could continue to enjoy her night. I walk over and asked her ‘excuse me, do you enjoy this kind of music?’ to which she replied ‘No, it’s rubbish’ (or something, my memory is hazy, the point is she retorted in a way that opened the door to a conversation about how awful Sydney’s clubs are because they all play the same 10 songs every night so the clubs have no defining character other than the location). I and the other amigos ended up sitting and chatting with the two Mädchen for the remainder of the evening (the loser talking to one of the girls was ditched for us three cool guys), then off to McD’s and home. 

Dear Arran and Rob: Me with a bassist

It was a really good night but today I really haven’t done anything. The weather was forcast as ‘thunder storms’ so I didn’t plan anything because, well, thunder storms, so you can imagine my surprise when I looked out the window today at the crack of noon to see such awful conditions...

So it’s not only the Brits who can’t predict the weather, the Aussies get it wrong on Michael Fish levels quite often apparently.
I had to call up the guy from Bank night club (I’ll be there at 9PM Friday) and I got a phone call for my induction at the gym with Nathan (I’ll be there at 12PM Friday) so I’ll be having an interesting day on Friday, Friday, going to the gym on Friday...


  1. Glad to see you are taking photos with the bassist global!

  2. There is another photo of me and the other band I saw a couple of weeks ago. If I find it I'll Facebook it!

  3. Picking up German chicks. LIKE A BAWSS!


Oh, so you want to make a comment? Well go ahead, punk, make my day...