Tuesday 9 August 2011

Jobs and Self Improvement

So yesterday I met a certain German lass for a drink and a walk around Circular Quay, but that was in the evening, during the day I cut my beard off, had an Irish girl cut most of my hair off and joined a gym.
I'll just let that part sink in. Yes, I really did shave off my beard again.
Pictured: My face
And yes I did join Fitness First, how hard can it be? I've seen Rocky, all I need is some inspirational montage music and I'll be looking good in no time....
Here's some inspirational training montage music, thanks for the suggestion Alex!

Circular Quay is spookily quiet on a Monday night, no tourists or anybody which meant we had a good chance to see the harbour in all its illuminated glory without having lots of Asians spending half an hour taking pictures of themselves in as many varying combinations as possible.
'Great, now we'll take one with just the water bottle...'
It was a very nice night and yes Wiebke (like the German version of 'Vicky', because I know you just said 'WHAT?') does want to meet again, which is either nice or bad depending on if you are jealous or not...
Here is a picture of a girl (possibly German) playing volleyball, for no reason what-so-ever
Today I filled out an Aussie census and continued my self improvement by handing out 12 resumes to various pubs and clubs around Sydney in an effort to get a job, including Tokio Hotel (the one with the band a couple of weeks ago), Scary Canary (the one with the buckets) and The Metro Theatre (the one that will have a Led Zep tribute band playing soon (fingers crossed I get that job!))
I will do a similar pose if I get that last one!
Now, I know some people are going to start burning down furniture stores in jealousy because of this but, a few hours after dropping off a resume to a place called 'Bank' in Kings Cross I got a call from the owner who wanted me to do a trial this Friday night, I asked if I could call him back tomorrow as I have given my resume to quite a few places (did I mention the Hard Rock Cafe?) and I am waiting to hear back from them, he said OK. So I have already been offered a trial in a matter of hours. Although I am a bit worried about it as it would be unpaid and if they say no it will still be unpaid, but at least it's a HIV positive start.
Because my blog needs more South Park references.
Oh, as for the riots back home um... I still don't quite get what that's all about. Some guy in Tottenham got shot so Birmingham started rioting and Croydon is burning down? Maybe I'm just being cynical but I'm definitely in no hurry to head back to Blighty, by the time I get back all the good stuff will be looted.
Thanks again Google images!
So until next time, it's good bye from me...
and it's goodbye from him!
PS. If somebody loots me a really good camera I'll take more pictures!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Aren't you working for Save the Children anymore...what will they do without you.
    Let us know if a job turns up and when.

    Do they do Zumba in Oz.....


  3. ps - can I have a pic of your new look.


Oh, so you want to make a comment? Well go ahead, punk, make my day...