Monday 29 August 2011

They Call Me The Working Man...

...I guess that's what I am, now I have a job shifting office equipment from one place to another. Lots of hours this week which means lots of money! I may also be required to drive one of the trucks as I'm 25 and have a licence...
Which has gotten me more jobs than any of my other 'qualifications'
Thursday (25th) saw the three amigos chilling out at Manly as we would all be working over the weekend and didn't want to do anything too strenuous, except Alex, who wanted to go surfing in conditions that would make it near impossible.

We met up with a Yemen/Swedish girl, Nadine, and walked over to Shelly beach, swam in the sea, laid in the sun, then went for a $10 and some $5 pints.

Friday was the first day at work. It was really hard work and after 13 hours all of us were pretty damn tired, Alex was on a different job so he finished much earlier. Saturday wasn't as bad, me and Alex ended up at the same place and when we were finished we went to the Three Wise Monkeys for a chicken burger and beer, Matteo joined us later and we watched a pretty good match between the Aussies and Kiwis for the tri-nations title.

Sunday had us working at an office with no lift, about 9 of us were working there so the workload was spread out and after unloading the four truck loads of stuff at the new office, the three amigos went to nearby Darling Harbour for a few beers at the Hard Rock Cafe before washing up and going to Star Bar for $10 Angus steaks and then the Three Monkeys again for beer and live music, the live music part can be seen, in part, below!

Today I don't start until 3pm, so I have a chance to buy some new socks and food, rock and roll!

Wednesday 24 August 2011

Everyday I’m Shovelling...

Monday, Work from 7:30 until about 6:00. Shovelling eucalyptus mulch, wheel-barrowing and raking mulch with Simos (from the hostel) and his mate Kos for Kos’ uncle. Tiring work but the day went quite quickly, the main point I will make is that $6 million houses don’t really look like they are worth $6 million, I later learned that the area (Killara) is a big money area, with CEOs and middle managers everywhere and ten of the best private schools in the surrounding area, just add a dubstep soundtrack and you have a pretty good idea of Hell!
Pictured; Dubstep
After a hard day labouring it’s nice to go where everybody knows your name... and then get convinced to have a few beers at Darling Harbour with Zoe and Jena (later Aïssata and Ninie joined us) then back to the hostel for 5 hours sleep before...

Day 2 of landscaping. Same thing but a bit easier as most of the hard work was sorted the day before, we did a good job improving the front and back gardens and by the end of the day the house looked closer to being worth $6 million. Simos, Kos and myself cruised down to Dominos for cheap Tuesday pizzas, then back to the hostel for a beer, free cupcakes from Aissata and 30 minutes sleep before...
Trademark/World Bar with the 311 and Zoe and Jena. Two free drinks at the Trademark Hotel, hearing the same old songs (Party Rock Anthem, Chris Brown, Usher... Yawn)
These guys had the right idea, just hang them already!
Then straight over the road to World Bar for some alternative/yank punk (Sum 41, Green Day) and some cheesy pop (Spice Girls, Backstreet Boys) followed by some R&B stuff (Destiny’s Child... Um... My memory gets hazy after that). Good times all round with the three amigos emitting so much awesomeness that some guy tried to steal Matteo and Alex’s jackets and left them at a place down the street, I don’t know who you are ‘would-be-jacket-thief’ but you have no dick...
It's true.
And that was the past two days. Today I will meet Patrick from Office Movers to sign up for that job which should start on Friday I’ll just leave you with a quote to end this post.

Ebedebeedebeed that’s all folks! - Porky Pig

Here's a few snaps from last night

Today I went to Sydney's Fish Market and got a box full of various deep fried sea life (now sea dead, obviously) for $10 (or £6 in real money). The box contained a mass of various battered creatures, like king prawns, a crab, those octopus/squid ball things, calamari rings, a clam with some cream cheese filling thing, and these things with little prawns stuffed in a thing that was also battered.
I imagine earlier in the day they looked like this, before they were introduced to boiling oil and chips
 I also got 2 large boxes of sushi for $15. How did I get such a bargain? We got there just before places started closing and they needed to clear out their left over stock for the day. I also saw my first wild pelican, which was nice. I did nothing else all day, I'm actually meeting the guy about the removalator job tomorrow morning before heading off to the beach, because life is just so hard!

Can you deep fry a pelican?

Sunday 21 August 2011

Auf Wiedersehen Skippy!

Today I did something amazingly amazing! Something so daring and brave that only one as strong as I could manage it. I ate a big chunk of kangaroo (with some salad on the side)! Sorry Skippy, but if you weren't supposed to be eaten then you wouldn't have evolved such delicious flesh!
"What's that Skip? Pan fried with crushed black pepper?"
So another milestone achieved this weekend, but it's not all sunshine and delicious marsupials as Saturday we had a farewell drink up for our two German roommates. The 311 rolled out in style, starting off at Broadway Lounge for karaoke (we put our names down to sing 'The Bad Touch' but the karaoke guy ran out of time before we could rock the mic). The German mädels joined us at the Lounge before we headed off to Side Bar, which was surprisingly quiet considering it was midnight on a Saturday and there were White/Black Russians on offer as well as Batman on the TV.
The Dude....
Before the night was the day, in which I, Alex and Sara wondered around Finger Wharf (stop giggling at the back) in Wooloomooloo.
Pictured: Wool Loo Moo Loo

Saint Seagull

After a few cheeky beers we skipped back to the hostel, then after getting changed we (Alex, Sara, Matteo and I) went to a Chinese restaurant for dinner then we (Alex, Matteo and I) went to Broadway to drink more beer and continue the evening, which you can read about above (Well structured blog post? Check!).

Tomorrow and Tuesday I am working with a landscaper, basically as a labourer (not entirely sure what I'll be doing but $200 is $200) also tomorrow I have to call a guy about the removalist job which I should start on Wednesday (hopefully). You may well be thinking about the distinct lack of any mention of bar work, I was thinking the same thing as I was not called to be told when to come in like I was told I would be. So if/when they do call next weekend I shall explain that the lack of hours makes working there seem about as much of a good use of my time as me entering this year's Mr. Universe contest.
Constipation is the key to success.
Hope you readers are well, no doubt you are all rushing out to find some kangaroo meat, but be warned, you will never enjoy beef again! Peace out, hombres!

Friday 19 August 2011

I Have a Cunning Plan...

I haven't done anything worthy of posting about today, mostly due to the weather being a bit rubbish, but I did go to the gym and I have also decided to think of a plan as 'winging it' is a strategy that is not really working,
But that doesn't mean it's a bad strategy.
So here is my cunning plan, in full, unabridged... ehem...

On Monday I will go for a job as an 'Office Removals Guy' and work there as many hours as possible (as well as the limited hours at The Bank) I will work at the movers and save as much money as possible until January, at which point I will head to Victoria and South Australia, after buying a better camera, I will stay there until Autumn at which point I will get a job on a farm for 3 months (as Autumn is farming season) thus allowing me to stay in Oz for another 12 months. Depending on where I am farming will determine where I go next but I will most likely head north during the Winter months and then work my way down the east coast until summer kicks in again, at which point I will most likely wing it for the remaining 9 or so months of my Visa.
Because 'Winging It' is unavoidable
So that's the plan, for the first time in my life I have bothered to plan something out, but in true Ryan Whitwell style I have left it open and vague enough to allow the plan to change considerably without much trouble. So Monday I call up the removals job and start saving some actual money!

Thursday 18 August 2011

So long Lucie!

Lucie came back to the hostel for one more night before flying out this morning to return to le France. You remember Lucie... Lucie Lucie.... She was in a bunch of photos a while ago from Darling Harbour.... You know Lucie...
Pictured: Lucie
So as a little farewell we went to the Opera Bar for a few drinks and a chat about how crap France is, as well as how good Sydney is, plus I had some honey beer which was rather nice.
It was a bit rainy, but since when did that matter?
The view from the Opera Bar

So afterwards we headed back to the hostel for food and Solo, a good end to a good day. 
So until next time... oh wait! I forgot to mention day 3 of the gym. (Cue music)

Well day 3 was earlier on the same day and after a gruelling 30 minute session I was told it would be a good idea to keep my personal trainer to ensure I improved at what is quite a good rate. I will be honest, I am feeling much better and the 3rd workout seemed less painful than previous days so I must be improving, so to keep my personal trainer is surely a goo... EIGHTY FIVE DOLLARS FOR FORTY FIVE MINUTES?! Screamed my brain as Nathan stated the going rate for a PT at Fitness First. I think I could get a better deal at Kings Cross,
But the chance of contracting syphilis is significantly higher.
So I'll pass for now, although I will be (hopefully) taking on a second job next week as the limited hours at The Bank seem a bit pointless when the only reason I'm staying in Sydney is to work to fund my travels. But more on that later,
TTFN mes amis!

Wednesday 17 August 2011

Round 2 and Cockatoos!

Round 2 at the gym was Monday afternoon. It knocked me out so much I did nothing for the rest of the day, but to aid my recovery I listened to some inspirational tunage...

Tuesday proved to be a much more interesting day. After getting food for the next week (including some cheap steaks) I trotted back to the hostel to be greeted by Matteo and Alex who were waiting for Sara to go to the Botanic Gardens for a bit. I joined them and I was glad I did as after wandering around the Opera House and grabbing a cheeky beer we bumped into some cockatoos...

Flying foxes will kill you and your horse!
Fortunately, beer makes you immune to the Hendra virus
Sara took this one...
Alex took this one...
And this bugger took a chunk out of my apple!
The birds love the three amigos! (Although I don't fancy Matteo's much)
The annoying thing was I only intended to share a small piece of my apple with the birds and eat the rest myself as I was quite hungry! Unfortunately the bugger on my arm decided to chomp away at it and leave nothing for anybody else, the thieving git!

So after a bit more photo taking we headed back, Matteo went to meet a certain lady friend and me and Alex had steak before meeting Zoe (the German) and Jenna (the American) at Tokio Hotel in Darling Harbour to have a few beers and hear some live music. The music wasn't up to much but we still had a right laugh. We were later joined by our new German room mates which was nice. A few 'that's what she saids' and jokes about my 'dancing' later and we were on our way home and back in the hostel.

Tomorrow is round 3 in the gym so I'd better rest up before rising up, back on the street...

Sunday 14 August 2011

Friday Friday, Gotta Get A Job on Friday

Well the title says it all although it isn't totally correct. First up on Friday was the gym, which was a reminder that I really need to get fit. After just 35 minutes of working out, my legs went to jelly and my arms decided to bail on me.  So Monday is round 2, which will be 'fun'.
As for The Bank I Did not get the job on Friday as I was told I’d got it at 1am on Saturday!  So 9:30PM Saturday would be my first proper day as an actual night club barman! Working behind a night club bar is very different to working behind a pub bar. No chit-chat with punters (because you can barely hear them) and the tips are much better as they actually exist (I got $17 for doing nothing more than making a few vodka cranberries. One group of girls actually gave me $5, not left on the bar as left over change, actually put a hand in their purse and gave me $5. That never happened at The Onley!) Maybe it would if there were a few more vodka cranberry drinkers...
And girls.
So tonight I was back at The Bank. But I also went to Coogee today, it was gloomy and I was tired, so I didn't make the most of it. I will return to do the Coogee to Bondi walk, maybe next week, but for now here’s a few snaps from today.

Cartwheeling on cliff tops is dangerous, kids!
The nap really helped, I had a good laugh at work although it wasn't too busy so I got to go home early. By ‘go home’ I mean drink expensive mojitos in the Ivy on George Street. I went there as I was invited by Zoe, I didn't think I could make it due to work so it was nice to make an appearance. Plus Wiebke was there, so that’s double nice!
Sadly my $30 in tips didn't last long and we had left after about 90 minutes of me being there as everybody else had been there for about 4 hours. So a walk/train home and Alex and I noticed a few preparations for the City to Surf run tomorrow. But amongst all the merriment was a lingering sense of loss as, due to a faulty door lock, we may be moving out of room 311 on Sunday! What a horrible way to end such a good week.

Thursday 11 August 2011

The Three Amigos go to SideBar

The title says only part of the story, but more on SideBar later. I had spent the lunchtime of yesterday with my Auntie and Uncle (I had the Thai chicken pie) talking about farm work and other things and I also received my MediCare card, which is something no German or Frenchie has ever been able to say. So now I’m covered for meds and stuff for (almost) free, sort of.
So after lunch I photocopied my RSA certificate for Friday’s ‘trial’ at Bank and trotted around Sydney looking at expensive trinkets I could never afford before returning to the hostel.
Later on Matteo, Alex and myself grabbed a free train to Central Station and wandered off to SideBar, the only reason we went there was on the promise of live music, a promise that was delivered in the form of a 4 piece covers band that were actually quite good! Feel free to think to yourself that they sound ‘quite good’ as you watch this clip...
 I was hoping to see Wiebke again but, alas, she couldn’t make it, which was a shame as she probably would have got along well with the two German girls we spent the night talking to. 
I don’t want to say I’m the master at getting girls to hang around with the 3 amigos, but I did break the ice in a way that even Barney from How I Met Your Mother would be impressed. 
'I'm listening...'
I used my wickedly creative brain to devise that the two girls were here for the live band, however the band had since finished and it was now ‘generic DJ that plays the same songs as EVERY OTHER GENERIC DJ IN SYDNEY!’ Seriously, if I hear that Usher guy whining about giving him everything again I will unleash all of my rage on whoever decided to play such an awful song, the same goes for that song about wet babies (which is more disturbing than any other song ever made)!
Where was I? Oh yes, with my willingness to dance sapped from my body by the awful music I noticed a lonely looking girl who was waiting for some loser to stop talking to her friend so she could continue to enjoy her night. I walk over and asked her ‘excuse me, do you enjoy this kind of music?’ to which she replied ‘No, it’s rubbish’ (or something, my memory is hazy, the point is she retorted in a way that opened the door to a conversation about how awful Sydney’s clubs are because they all play the same 10 songs every night so the clubs have no defining character other than the location). I and the other amigos ended up sitting and chatting with the two Mädchen for the remainder of the evening (the loser talking to one of the girls was ditched for us three cool guys), then off to McD’s and home. 

Dear Arran and Rob: Me with a bassist

It was a really good night but today I really haven’t done anything. The weather was forcast as ‘thunder storms’ so I didn’t plan anything because, well, thunder storms, so you can imagine my surprise when I looked out the window today at the crack of noon to see such awful conditions...

So it’s not only the Brits who can’t predict the weather, the Aussies get it wrong on Michael Fish levels quite often apparently.
I had to call up the guy from Bank night club (I’ll be there at 9PM Friday) and I got a phone call for my induction at the gym with Nathan (I’ll be there at 12PM Friday) so I’ll be having an interesting day on Friday, Friday, going to the gym on Friday...