Thursday 27 October 2011

Nights Out Can Be Contagious

Last night I was mildly peer pressured into going out for Sjerai's birthday, resulting in me being mildly hung over at work today. We all trotted of to World Bar after a few cheeky goons at the hostel and... well, my memory gets hazy soon after that, there was beer, dancing and I met some Aussie girl called 'Matilda' (She wasn't waltzing) who decided she 'really' liked me based on my accent alone, which was nice. But, as is customary with nights out, a camera or two were hovering around and so here are some of the less embarrassing moments captured on mine.
Spot the birthday girl...

All good fun, unlike the previous evening in which I (and a few hostellers) went to see Contagion. Those who have seen my Facebook status will know my opinion of the movie and all of the others in attendance were in agreement that Contagion was not the dramatic ride we were hoping for. Here's my review for those that didn't see it, also spoilers, not that that matters seeing as nothing much happens so there isn't much to spoil.

Just got back from Contagion, Plus points: Paltrow dies early on. Cons: IT'S SO BLOODY BORING! You remember how swine flu was boring and SARS didn't amount to anything? Well this movie is a dull as watching a documentary about how vaccines are made, because that's exactly what it is most of the time. After an hour or so it teases you into thinking something interesting will happen by showing some looting, military road blocks and fighting, but that dies down pretty quickly. Matt Damon sees flashes from gunshots being fired in a house, but that scene is only there to show that the 911 service doesn't work properly any more. When a main character died it provided as much impact as a grain of sand on a beach. And at the end of it all America saves the world and nothing happens for 20 minutes and roll credits. No twist, no thought provocation, just a message for chefs to wash their hands after touching raw meat.

Next week we're hoping to see 'In Time' in which Justin Timberlake pretends to be 25 and tries not to die because his watch runs out of battery power, or something?

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