Saturday 22 October 2011

From Birthday To Barbecue

Wednesday was my (and Heidi Kovalinen's) birthday. I turned 26 and after work went to Moose in Newtown for some Sapporo and then onto Kelly's for karaoke. A small affair, but being 10,000 miles away from your buddies back home makes asking them to come to Newtown for a night out seem a bit silly. Still, Matteo, Zoe, Weibke and Frederica (I have no idea how that's spelt and spell-check seems to have a problem with most of these names) were in attendance as I kept with the tradition of getting slightly rat arsed on one's birthday. I would like to take a moment to thank the lovelly Scottish bar maid in Moose for the free 'birthday sambucca', t'was much appreciated and the next morning was on the receiving end of being blamed for my hangover...
My hangover had nothing to do with the gallon of Sopporo, as Sopporo is delicious and  wonderful and can do no wrong!
Even Wiebke loved it!
As Moose closed for the night we were on our way and off to grace Kelly's with our presence (see what I did there?). Karaoke was on, as was the beer and after I put my name down for a rocking classic by a rocking band we kept the beer a'flowing.
3 guesses as to which rocking band it was...
Sadly I didn't get to sing about Rosie as the dick with the laptop decided he'd let his tone deaf friends go before anybody else. Of course it was an annoyance, but we still had a laugh regardless thanks to some interesting song choices. Matteo had to leave a little earlier as he was working the next day and the rest of us were only a few hours behind him... I think?
Copy/Paste is a wonderful tool for the modern lyricist.

'Carry On Rasputin' wasn't the funniest of the series.

And that was about it, a rather nice time with some rather nice people and a desire to definitely get up and belt out 'Whole Lotta Rosie' when the opportunity arises, I also have to pick a day to go bowling as my buddies organised a special birthday bowling thingy, but left the date open for me to decide, which is nice.

Thursday I was properly hung over (That one sambucca! Curse that Scottish temptress!) and did nothing until about 4PM at which point I walked downstairs to cook something... Nah... off to Hungry Jacks for a Whopper meal! I then returned to the hostel, got reminded by a bunch of other hostel dwellers that I was now 26, which means I'm I'm only 4 away from 30 yakedy yakedy blah blah blah, I then stumbled up to bed and stayed there until work the next morning.

Yep, worked on Friday, but I have also come to the conclusion that I am not really saving enough for a car quickly enough, so a new plan may be in order. I figured the best option was to work more and save more so I took Saturday off to have some fun at a barbecue, because work sucks and the car can wait! I went to Zoe's do at her apartment building, met a few familiar faces that I hadn't seen for a little while, had some kangaroo burgers and drank some XXXX which had a nice name for all those back home...
It's pretty much summer here, which season is it back home? I forget...

I also got to meet Michael, Zoe's boyfriend, from Germany for the first time since his arrival,
Aww, aint they sweet?
It was a really chilled out gathering, plus we got some free entertainment in the form of some Taiwanese folks singing with a guitar...
Maybe 'singing' isn't the most accurate word?
We ate, dozed in the sun, played with a helium balloon and before too long we said farewell, not a bad way to spend a day off work.
Have fun with your jumpers and heavy coats!
Here's a few more pics taken during my walk back to Woolloomooloo this afternoon as I continued to test my fancy pants underwater camera on land. Maybe I should go to the beach tomorrow to test it underwater for a change...?
St. Mary's is looking rather splendid
A shot of Town Hall
And Zoe's apartment, or at least the building it is in, as viewed from the barbecue area.

1 comment:

  1. Just remember when you're facing winter we will be having a least one day of Summer!!!
    Glad to see you had a good birthday - we're off tomorrow to our sunshine so be in touch when we get back.
    Please ring Sue and Mike to arrange to see them to get your parcel.


Oh, so you want to make a comment? Well go ahead, punk, make my day...