Monday 5 September 2011

Dylan Moran Yeah Yeah (Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah)

Most people say the best way to start a speech is with a joke, but this isn't a speech it’s a blog post and I have already made a joke but only two people will have gotten it so here’s the first thing that made me laugh last night at the Opera House...
The risk of ordering over the phone is a great one.
I’ll go on about the Opera House later in this post, for now I will go on about last week.
Last week I was working, which means this week I can start saving some money to continue travelling around Aussieland. After work each day I and the other amigos went for $10 meals at various places as cooking is something that is more of a chore when you are tired and the moment you come in from work everybody (including Brian) is in the kitchen waiting to use the limited amount of equipment just to make some pasta.
(You must be French to get this joke)
Working as a removalist is pretty straight forward most of the time, pick that up, put it on a truck, take it to another place, rinse, repeat. A nice bonus is that I can drive the trucks, so I get paid a few peanuts more than I would if I didn't drive for the removalators. Driving the removaliser trucks has reminded me how much I love driving so I have decided to look at buying/renting a car and making my own way south in the summer, but that’s something to think about later as right now it’s all about working lots and making pots (of money).
I'm a poet, and I totally know it!
The past weekend was an interesting one, the Saturday night was spent in 3 very different places with 3 Frenchies and an Italian. First up was a bar with no name, tucked in an alleyway off of Crown Street with no windows or signs to distinguish it from any other building. After entering, it is clear the ‘sign budget’ was spent on more important things... taxidermy

At least I managed to pull a fox!
After a few Bundy and cokes we toddled off to a place called 'Low' where we pulled silly faces and I explained to Alex the meaning of the phrase ‘ he who dares wins’, all very inspirational, even if I did keep saying it in the style of Del Boy.
Mange Tout!

Last on the agenda was Flinder’s Hotel, it wasn’t that good as the music would go from brilliant rock classics to awful songs by Usher and the like, resulting in a mire of confusion on the dance floor as the rock fans shifted awkwardly around the people who were standing still waiting for a good song to be played. 4 O’Clock loomed and we went back to the hostel as 22 hours is a long time to be awake in one go.

Sunday, I did nothing until the sun went down, went to the rooftop for the first time since staying at the Elephant, ate a pizza and then went to the Opera House to see Dylan Moran.
View from the rooftop
Opera House
Dylan Moran
It is an odd thing to see a comedian who usually talks about things you can relate to but because of the circumstances you relate to the comedian rather than the jokes, at least that’s how I felt for the first 10 minutes when Moran spoke about Australia in the same way I did a couple of months ago (The politicians are really odd (Moran says Gillard looks like some kind of pantomime horse, I say she looks like a bad caricature of Thatcher, but we both agree that Abbott probably spends most of his time in church praying that all the gay black people die). The point about Australia’s ‘winter’ was also made, because it isn't a winter at all. The other odd thing was he had to explain things for the Aussie crowd, like the notion of a place called ‘Newcastle’ in the north of England which is home to girls that go mad when it is too dark and too cold for too long and wear string on a night out, whereas in Britain he could have probably just said ‘Geordie girls in winter’ and we would all laugh. But I learned that there is no reason to go to Perth because the only reason anybody is there is because of ‘the shit in the ground’ and Townsville because ‘Nothing? It doesn't have ‘nothing’, it is on the waiting list for ‘nothing’’. Also Newcastle (the Australian one) is just ‘five lanes of gridlocked traffic queuing for the suicide bridge’, unlike the British one which is five lanes of girls complaining about their uncomfortable shoes in between vomiting on the high street and being given Bacardi Breezers by a guy with £300 designer jeans that look like they have been worn whilst he was doing a plastering job down the road... Actually I think that is most cities? Anyway, Dylan Moran was funny and as a special treat to you for reading this almost 900 word blog post, here is a picture of a possum eating an apple (which will probably be stuffed next week and put into that bar with no name) along with a few other pictures from taken last night.

You've earned it!


  1. Good to have you back....don't forget your parents, who got you where you are today, when you've made your fortune as a removalist!

  2. I was starting to think you had giving up on us poor lost souls over here, glad to see you are still enjoying yourself

  3. I never lost faith in you, though I do resent you slightly for the wait...


Oh, so you want to make a comment? Well go ahead, punk, make my day...