Monday 26 September 2011


Sometime last week the lovely Belgian girls moved on to continue their own adventure, they did leave a nice note for me and Matteo which was nice of them. They were replaced by an Irish guy and Amanda (the German karaoke queen) who then got moved (screwed over slightly) by the hostel and replaced by 3 German dudes! All very interesting, but what have I been up to (I hear you ask)...

Working! In case you couldn't already guess. I have been trying quite hard to save up for a car so going out has been something I have shied away from, which is difficult when you have a few days off in the week. I did nothing of interest on Thursday, I just walked about, not spending money, took a few photos of things (Mostly blue skies and bridges) and that's about it.

The weekend came and went, England kicked all sorts of arse in the rugby and I did a few hours work. Monday (today) rolled around quickly and I thought I was working today in the morning, which would have been good, instead I am now working at 7PM. But like the old saying goes, 'When life gives you lemons...
 I saw the sign and went back into childhood mode, where dinosaurs were still awesome. Sadly one childhood image was changed forever...
...This is a velociraptor? It looks like a were-chicken doing the can-can!
The museum did have some really cool stuff though, like bones in awesome poses...
Straight up awesome!
Here's a guy waiting for my next blog post (it's been a while)

I can now say I have finally seen a real kangaroo
Teeth surprisingly clean for a giant extinct lizard

Soon to be an ex-parrot (although I think this one has already gone to meet its maker...

...Much like the poor Tazmanian tiger)

No more food for the Koala, he's stuffed!
 I met Zoe at the Rocks, had a coffee, didn't go to the Museum of Contemporary Art (as it was closed for redevelopment) saw a rabbit that was attracting a lot of attention, I kept my distance as I have seen 'Holy Grail' and I know rabbits are
...Evil! Just look at it! 
 Zoe and I also saw an ongoing art exhibition by Michael Landy called 'Acts of Kindness'. Basically there are 200 of these puzzle pieces dotted around the CBD and a collection of them in Martin Place.
Each has a little story about an 'act of kindness'

and here is the complete article in Martin Place.
All very nice. Zoe and I then had a cheeky coffee at Darling Harbour after stopping by Coles, I then received the call to work at 7PM and that's you guys up to date.
Right, I'm off to earn some dollars, have fun wherever you are.


  1. Good to see you still having some fun....Monti Dave knows someone in Brisbane (I know it's not round the corner) who runs a garage and could sort you out a car, if you are interested he said he would give you the number and you can get a train there and drive it back.
    Little Punto should be sold in next couple of weeks - will send you a pic to say Goodbye.

  2. I'm not buying a car for a few months, ask for his number/garage name and send it to me anyway because you never know.


Oh, so you want to make a comment? Well go ahead, punk, make my day...