Friday 9 September 2011

The Three Amigos Are No More...

Alex has left the building (and the country, although he did fall out of a plane at 14,000ft yesterday so he could have been a permanent feature as a splat mark on the ground) so now Matteo and I are without our third Amigo and although Alex should be back in December, Matteo will be back in Italy by then. So last night we had a beer fuelled hoe-down to send off the greatest three piece to happen to the world since Feeder (before the drummer killed himself),
Echo Park was a bloody brilliant album
We went with Aissata, Sara, a Swedish guy called Jimmy and a girl from Mauritius to that bar with the stuffed animals (which is called Shady Pines) then Jimmy (being a blonde Swedish guy) got talking to some girls (Who have a friend in Sweden and one of whom had seen 'The Only Way is Essex' and thought it was good, which is like telling somebody your IQ is lower than that of a dead pigeon) and we went to some other place with no sign above the door on Oxford Street (purely on the recommendation these girls gave us, which is a scary prospect as you never know what is behind the doors on Oxford Street... It's just so gay around there). Apparently it was called Ching Ling’s, or Jing Wings, or Cream of Sum Yung Gy, or Chicken Skins, anyway it was a tiny little place upstairs above some proper bars (probably gay bars), was so small the DJ’s decks were behind the bar and those decks were spinning old hip-hop songs until 1AM when it was time to move on to Flinders (as it was open until 6). One of the girls the Swede met had ridiculous shoes and kept complaining about how painful they were, so we ignored her after we got into the place, nobody likes a whiny chick.
"Waa waa waa, my feet hurt, Boo hoo, I'm such an mug for buying shoes purely on the basis that they looked good on me in my mind and now there is blood all over the inner soles, woe is me" - Women
One of the girls took a liking to young master Alex, which was pretty awesome, I had enough beer to not remember getting back to the hostel so I assume it was a decent way to see off what has been the greatest trio of manly men from different nationalities since... ever! The Three Amigos were always steak sauce and will always be awesome!
Hey! Alex! Leaves those blondes alone!
100% Steak Sauce...
...300% Amigos!
Of course other things have happened during the past few days that were far less important, like $10 meals, more hours at work, $900 added to my bank account, blah, blah and blah, but a real highlight was having a pear flavoured cocktail at Manly (before a $15 steak diane) and getting lots of free stuff from a faceless corporation (because they were throwing away $70 laptop bags and 1 kilo bags of coffee beans (I took two of them) and some jasmine tea and an Australia scarf and some instant coffee and a rucksack), so thank you Macquarie Goodman for that, also thanks to Alex for the good times and I’ll see you in December you testa di cazzo!
Now I'm off to K Mart to buy a coffee grinder and a tea strainer and maybe a drink that looks pretty.
Fortunately this one tasted prettier than it looked.

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