Wednesday 29 June 2011

The one where Ryan goes to the bank...

So today I went to open a bank account, as although having a wad of cash on you feels good it also feels pretty stupid when it goes missing. So I went to the local mall with my auntie Sue and into St. George's bank to see if I could open an account. Turns out I could and all rather easily, which means my Visa is working already! Plus, it turns out Aussie banks are more relaxed than British ones with actual conversations being started rather than just small talk, and you know they must have a sense of humour when they put a dragon as their logo.
Bank with us!
Our grammar may be lapse but we have a dragon as a logo!

So I am now a customer of St.George's bank (for $3 a month) although I'm disappointed my card doesn't have a massive dragon on it, I think they may have missed a great marketing opportunity there (as well as missing the capital letters in St.George).

EDIT: It turns out if you move the card in the light a larger dragon becomes visible behind the smaller one, so it does have a massive dragon on it, but it is still the same as the logo rather than something cool like 'Spyro'.


  1. I'd be grudge paying £3 a month of a bank count if it weren't for the fact they have a dragon on the logo, that makes up for it,

    How's the winter? got your thermals on?

  2. It's actually really mild. Plus the pound has got weaker against the Aussie Dollar so I have effectively made 1 penny on every dollar I have so those $3 aint so bad.

  3. Good to see you're getting organised. What is the next thing in your plan of action? Went to ring you today but Dad said 'He's only been gone one day!' so I didn't.
    Will try on Sunday or Monday when I have time to play with Skype.
    Take care and have fun.


Oh, so you want to make a comment? Well go ahead, punk, make my day...