Tuesday 17 April 2012

Ryan and Aztec in Beautiful Country

Tasmania, day 1 and already I'm wondering why I didn't come here sooner. Oh yeah, money. Well if you have enough money to hire a camper van and drive around this island then do it, DO IT NAAAAOOOW!

I know my blog posts usually make you jealous of where I am but I fear you may well die of jealousy, so I hope your affairs are in order.

I started from Devonport after having my hair cut (because I'm like Samson, where if my hair gets too long I get too awesome and the universe can't handle it) and headed towards the south west to eventually end up on the west coast in Strahan (pronounced Straaan). The journey would take me down some amazing roads and through the kind of landscapes that are so distracting I think they should come with a warning,
Maybe they spent the 'warning' budget on the vampire super roos
My journey went through many small towns, like Tullah, Rosebery and the edge of a place called Zeehan, around Cradle mountain and up to Ocean Beach, but not in that order.

The road was like any other in the western world,
Tarmac with lorries on it
But occasionally you'd find yourself surrounded by trees before turning a sweeping bend and instantly the scene would change, like a poorly edited movie, see below.

I never got tired of the scenery ahead of me. It changed so often and dramatically that every turn in the road led me with anticipation on what was coming next.

The route I took was very much the scenic route and after about 4.5 hours of driving and stopping for pictures I made it to the campsite, then turned around and drove down a slightly rough road to Ocean Beach and then Macquarie Head. This was also the first time I've seen the Southern Ocean, which is nice.

I know this isn't exactly the most detailed blog post in the world, but there are lots of pictures coming up, so don't worry. (For some reason the pictures are in no particular order as Picasa decided to throw them in at random)
Rosebery... I think?

Mount Roland, masked slightly by cloud

Ocean Beach

My current residence and I
I'll be heading towards Tasmania's capital tomorrow, no doubt through some more breathtaking countryside followed by a special treat the next day. I'll try my best to actually write a bit more, but no promises!

Now, I'm pretty tired after a full day of touristing and sailing with 4 hours sleep in between, so I'm going to mess about getting this fold out bed sorted and fall asleep. G'night!

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