Saturday 5 November 2011

Ryan Whitwell is... Killing Colds!

Being ill is a battle, You vs. Illness. Many illnesses are weak when squared up against my immune system (I call it ‘Rambo’, because it will stick an explosive arrow through any virus that threatens me)
"Mrmmmble mrrm mmou son of a burmmch'
On Wednesday however, it became apparent that Rambo needed some support as he sent out distress signals in the form of a runny nose and the odd sneeze. I was having lunch at my Auntie and Uncle’s house when the first signal arose. I had to take action, so after lunch I went to Coles, got some pills and spent the rest of the day fannying about on the internet. I even went to sleep early.
"What is this 'sleep'?"
The next morning I awoke with a snotty nose, a headache and a few aches, Rambo was losing! I went to JB HiFi to buy an iPod with my birthday money and then to Woolworths for Lemsip, oranges and Mammoth chocolate milk (because that shit is the BOMB!). So the soundtrack and support were sorted and after some Agent Orange (and lemon) were deployed I was feeling better.

But the fight was far from over. Rambo would continue fighting the insurgents until later that day when I sent a 50 cal. Also known as a double shot of 12 year old Irish whiskey called ‘Redbreast’.
"I'm not qualified to operate this machinery!"
Operation ‘Redbreast’ was a success so I had a few more beers and spent the next day laying in the sun listening to CCR... Thanks again immune system!
Cue Credits/mild sun burn!
Don't forget the photos!
PS: Spring has sprung

Ah, Springtime in Wooloomooloo

You know it's Spring when graffiti has flowers.
Always end with a joke...

1 comment:

  1. Hope you are better. How is Sue and Mike and did you get your birthday stuff - albeit a little late.
    Don't forget to e-mail me about's round the


Oh, so you want to make a comment? Well go ahead, punk, make my day...