Tuesday 15 May 2012

Money Talks

I didn't starve! I got paid on Sunday and immediately paid my rent, so that's $155 gone already. Luckily it's the free sausage sizzle on Sundays so I didn't have to pay for my dinner. Then I drank a $3 bottle of awful wine before heading out with a few of the lads (and a couple of lasses) to see the last game of the current Premier League season play out at the Elephant and Wheelbarrow.

Live music and a whole lot of Irish made for a good time and watched the events on screen(s) as we all twisted our necks to keep an eye on the screens at either end of the room. Of course the really important game is the play-off final next Saturday, but for now Manchester United fans won't shut up about their 'history' and how they are still better than City because they didn't buy the title, blah blah sore losers blah,
Pictured: A bad winner

Monday I worked for 3 hours and got some free sausages! Nothing else happened. Seriously, I'm trying to save some money so no nights out for me!

Today I didn't need to work so I walked up Chapel Street and looked at things I can't afford and then bought some food (beans, pasta and tinned tomatoes FTW!). Nothing much else to talk about now (I did some laundry, but that isn't worth writing about), I'll be working for 3 more hours tomorrow and hopefully I won't be peer pressured into going out any time soon.

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