Monday, 4 June 2012

Let’s Get Boring!

Time to get serious if I don’t want to spend forever in St. Kilda, not that it’s a bad place, but I’ve only been to three states in nearly a year and money has once again become the stumbling block.

Saving won’t be easy as hours are still part time, but I’m sure if I don’t do anything at all for a few weeks I will have enough money saved in my new bank account (because my original Aussie bank, St. George, don’t have branches outside NSW).

In other news, my camera is gone (probably stolen, but the police said I can’t prove that it has actually been nicked so I have to report it as ‘lost’ instead #PoliceLogic) and I’m skint-ish, my UK accounts are running low so I need to start sending some money back to England if I want to keep my kneecaps. But that means I need to boost my income...

So suddenly my ‘awesome’ adventure is less fun and games and is leaning more towards the ‘scraping by trying to make minimum payments whilst abroad and not earning much’ adventure. But it could be worse, I could not be earning anything, or heading out to find fruit picking work only to find it has all been taken by backpackers that got there first (which has happened to a few guys from the hostel that left recently). I’m going to think up a get rich quick scheme to keep my UK accounts afloat and try and save some money for my Aussie Adventure to continue as it was about a month ago. So don't expect too many wacky tales of me doing cool stuff and taking pictures of sunsets and wallabies for a while yet, especially that last part seeing as I no longer have a decent camera.

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